National Cheesecake Day

National Cheesecake Day

Date When Celebrated : July 30 th

 National Cheesecake Day is today. As food holidays go, this is one of the tastiest of treats.

Despite being a rich, high calorie, and cholesterol filled, cheesecake is a very popular dessert. Why? Because it tastes so good. It is enjoyed plain, or with your favorite fruit topping.

Enjoy the day with a piece of cheesecake, along with your favorite topping. If you have time, make the cheesecake yourself.

Happy National Cheesecake Day!

What’s your favorite Cheesecake?

Published by: Elice Ivy

I have been reading for as long as I can remember. I love the escape that it gives me. The new ideas it insights and I love the ups and downs that a story will take you thru. Even more than that I love to write and I hope that at least one person gets from me what I have gotten from so many authors. I am a mother, a sister, a wife, daughter and friend. Thur all of these experiences and many I just made up I hope to create a place where you can escape if only while your turning the pages or reading my random thoughts.

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